Addressing the Pain of Sexual Assault

Something has been nagging at me to write this article for some time now, tapping me on the shoulder, whispering in my ear so to speak. According to, “Every 109 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 8 minutes, that victim is a child. Meanwhile, only 6 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison”. The known statistics are overwhelming, and sexual abuse is the most under-reported crime. Every time I hear these lyrics by Robert Hunter, I cannot help but to think of all of the people who have experienced such a traumatic event, “Half of my life, I’ve spent doing time for some [body’s else’s] crime…”.

The main objective for writing this article is to point out the all too common crime of sexual abuse, and to make people aware of the importance of getting help. There are many avenues of safe health care, and finding an acupuncturist is one of the effective options. The work of coping and recovering can be challenging, which may be putting it mildly. In my office, I’ve seen that acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies beautifully and subtly assist in transforming the spirit, the mind and the physical body. The work can be done with or without talking, whatever is most comfortable. 


The following is a short description of health concerns that may follow sexual trauma, some of which may present themselves immediately, and also weeks, months and years later. Chinese herbal remedies and acupuncture effectively treat these health concerns:

Women, men, girls and boys may experience digestive problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, gluten intolerance and other food allergies

Women, men, girls and boys may experience anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, insomnia, depression, post traumatic stress, dissociation and hyper-vigilance

After reaching an age of consensual sexual activity, women and men may experience sexual discomfort or the inability to become  aroused, promiscuity or heightened arousal

For girls and women, there may be additional difficulties involving menstruation, such as menstrual pain, irregular periods, excess bleeding during menstruation, infertility, endometriosis, the list goes on… Outside of necessary surgery, Chinese medicine and acupuncture champions women’s health above all others.

Acupuncture thoroughly addresses trauma, from minor injuries due to lifting a heavy suitcase, to sexual assault and post traumatic stress. With acupuncture, a practitioner cannot avoid affecting the spirit while treating any type of illness or injury because this medicine treats the whole person, not “multiple parts”. I borrow the phrase “multiple parts” because I’ve actually seen it written on prescriptions for acupuncture. Ghastly. You will always be treated as the whole person that you are in my office.

For further information, Debbie at The Family Garden in Longmont provided this link All the childcare workers at the Family Garden have taken the training.