Headaches and migraines can occur for a variety of reasons. The most commonly known sources are from dehydration, barometric pressure changes, and blood circulation. Another common, but less well known source of headaches and migraines is due to cervical muscle tension, physical trauma, and head injury. Click “Read More” for the rest of this article.

There are several Chinese medical techniques that have been scientifically proven to increase the white blood cell count, and thereby coax your system to effectively fight illness. Here are three of my absolute favorite techniques that do not involve inserting an acupuncture needle: Click “Read More” to read the rest of this article.

I became more aware of the importance of Vitamin B12 years ago when I needed to have regular injections due to anemia during pregnancy. After doing some research, I’ve learned more about the role B12 plays in relation to the health of our nervous system, brain function and circulation. In this article I will give you a list of foods containing B12, briefly explain B12 functioning within the human body, the common reason for poor absorption, and the simple way to remedy B12 deficiency.