
Shonishin is the Japanese form of acupuncture for infants and children. Shonishin does not involve using acupuncture needles. Instead, hands, fingertips, q-tips, and soft toothbrushes are used to help soothe and comfort. Infants and children typically respond quickly. These techniques can be used for people of all ages, although more time and persistence is needed for adults as we tend to have a longer history with a health concern.  In order to share some of the thought behind Shonishin, the focus of this article will be digestion. I will also explain one of the most common techniques, Abdominal Massage.


Eating is one our first experiences, and can be associated with both positive and negative experiences. Let’s focus upon how to make eating a pleasurable experience. In general, people digest food best by eating slowly, with loved ones, and without stress. A stress free environment is important for proper digestion, and for developing a healthy relationship with food. Children also seem to do best with food that is easily chewed and absorbed, and offered at consistent times throughout the day. Despite our best efforts, digestive upset does occur for one reason or another. Abdominal massage addresses the following very well: constipation, diarrhea, alternating constipation and diarrhea, intestinal spasms, reflux, cramping and bloating, and even teething.


Here is how it works, and it is great for people of all ages:


Beginning at the umbilicus, make small circles in a clockwise direction. Gradually make wider circles until reaching the edges of the ribs, top of the hip and pubic bones. Babies may need to be burped afterward. Moving in a clockwise direction is important because at the outer circle we are following the ascending colon, which goes up the right side of the abdomen, then across the transverse colon at the top near the ribs, and then down the left side over the descending colon. We are just helping the natural movement of the digestive system. Abdominal massage is calming and can be used for emotional upset as well. Essential oils make a great combination with the technique. Abdominal massage is beneficial any time – even when baby is feeling good too!


For more information, please email me at or call me at 303.587.3557