2020 Year of the Metal Rat

The fun superficiality of the Chinese calendar actually runs deeply from observations made thousands of years ago that still apply to life today.  Like Chinese medicine, the calendar is pervasive throughout all aspects of being human, affecting day to day living, farming, health care, etc.  As we strive to live in harmony with our environment, we also notice how we change and respond with each season.  Each season corresponds to the Five Elements; fire/summer, metal/autumn, water/winter, wood/spring, and earth/transitions, as well as internal organs, sound, direction, etc.  The calendar also incorporates the Five Elements, and for the next two years the Metal element is prominent.  Metal corresponds to the Lungs and Large Intestine, the respiratory and immune systems, elimination, the skin, and autumn. 


Like the Lung and Large Intestine, the Metal element relates to the ability to receive what we need (oxygen and nutrients) and eliminate what is no longer necessary (carbon dioxide and waste).  There is a certain amount of wisdom necessary in order to be able to understand the value in receiving what we need.  This same wisdom is necessary to be able to let go of anything that no longer serves a purpose.  I’ve always liked to the simple analogy of cleaning out a closet to explain Metal.  During the process we find things that others may need and we give them away, and sometimes we come across something special that we have forgotten about, so we find it’s usefulness again.  Metal also corresponds to giving ourselves time to properly grieve, find acceptance, and let go.  The season of autumn is the time of the Metal element. Autumn represents maturity, the mature season of a human life. 


The Rat became the first of the twelve animals in the Chinese calendar because the Rat used cleverness and skill to be the first animal to show up at the emperor’s gathering… and so we begin a new cycle.  History gave rats a bad reputation, but we also hear people say how rats will outlive a nuclear blast.  They are known to be clever survivors.  People that have rats for pets or observed rats in nature know that they are family oriented, adaptable, kind, creative and intelligent.  People born in the year of the Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020) are known for these same characteristics as well as success, stealth, strength and the ability to solve problems that other people cannot.   


The Year of the Metal Rat extends from January 25, 2020 to February 11, 2021. The key is to act with wisdom and intelligence, seeing the value in receiving what we need for ourselves and families, and having the maturity to release anything that no longer serves a purpose.  There is potential for positive social change as we share and help one another when we are able, and accept help when offered during this phase of maturity.